Dear Brian

Being a Lotus Word Pro user myself and with the help of Tom Davis, I did post Divisions / Tabs as a "feature request" some months ago

This is the reply:-


--- Comment #1 from Michael Meeks<> 2011-06-20 07:36:10 PDT --- IMHO implementing the tab feature would take quite some work here, instead it
might be good to insert a set of links in the document at the top to allow
quick jumping to the various sections;

But of course, this is all work. Lets see if some volunteer jumps in to do it - otherwise if you pay someone to do the work, you can have it done as you like I

I would think that the more that it is requested the powers to be may see the light, but I suspect it will come down to that old joke about asking for directions where the reply is "you should not start from here"!


John B

On 06/08/2011 23:20, Roland Hughes wrote:
We have been begging for tabbed divisions from the
OpenOffice/LO/Symphony community for years.  It has become quite obvious
that the developers on these projects have only ever used Microsoft Word
and can't fathom why anyone would want something other than a clone of

IBM seriously dropped the ball with WordPro.  SmartSuite was THE office
suite, bar none.

On Sat, 2011-08-06 at 14:01 -0400, Brian Grawburg wrote:

For several years Word Pro has been my primary word processing program for all 
projects involving multiple chapters and sections within a chapter.  For 
example, training
manuals and personal books often consisting of +100 pages and more than a dozen
divisions/chapters.  I specifically use Word Pro because I can create a 
division and then
easily click on the chapter tab to go to a specific location.

If LibreOffice included such an option it would become my only word processing 
and I would quickly write the documenation for this options to show others how 
to use it. For
now, I will only be able to use LibreOffice for short documents.

Brian Grawburg
Wilson, NC USA

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