Hi :)
Please post a new bug-report against LibreOffice rather than against 
OpenOffice.  It stands a good chance of getting soem attention now.  

A lot of stuff just got sat on by Sun forever it seems.  LibreOffice is vastly 
more interested in actually fixing things and TDF doesn't block the devs from 
doing stuff even if they are voluntary devs rather employees.  As long as stuff 
passes quality control it's allowed in.  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Bill Gradwohl <b...@ycc.com>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Wed, 10 August, 2011 15:10:26
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc will not save file after sheet deleted.

Hash: SHA1

On 08/10/2011 12:41 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> Unless someone recognised these symptoms and can put forward some ideas,
> I am treating this as a corrupt file.

When LO can't read its own handwriting, so to speak, does that not prove
LO has a serious problem?
When you use only the tools provided by LO to manipulate your document
and that document gets trashed due to corruption, does that not prove LO
has a serious problem?

Now that you've concluded that "corruption" has occurred, what do you
think should happen to the software that did the corrupting?

A: ) Should it get fixed?
B: ) Should it stay broken, and in return for not expending the effort
to fix the underlying rot, you'll accept the next releases 3 new bells
and 4 whistles?

Check the archives and you'll note that file corruption is a frequent
problem. Its as though giving buggy software the label "file corruption"
absolves the developers of investigating and eliminating the underlying
code bugs.

I've been reporting corruption issues for years and in that time only
one developer (with an oracle email address) ever showed any interest.
Even he dropped off the radar when Oracle lost interest in the office suite.

Does LO provide a needed service? Yes it does, just as a Ford coasting
down a highway provides a service. The difference is that if a Ford gas
tank blew up periodically, Ford would fix it.

- -- 
Bill Gradwohl
Roatan, Honduras
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