Am 11.08.2011 10:30, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
The macro is used as a cell function right?
In that case, where did you put the macro? It should be placed in My
Macros, I think, so you need to move it there if it's not there

Wrong. It has to be stored in library "Standard", either the document's one or the global one. "Standard" is loaded automatically and a cell function will be found immediately. The functions do not contain any references to UNO objects so they *should* work right from the start and they *should* update automatically if menu:Tools>CellContents>Automatic Calculation is enabled and if (and only if) a referenced value has been modified.
Otherwise recalculation should be triggered on key F9.
Ctrl+shift+F9 enforces a complete recalculation of the whole workbook.

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