2011/8/20 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/8/19 Niklas Johansson <sleeping.pil...@gmail.com>:
>> To empty the array use x = Nothing. So before the ReDim-statement do...
>> …
>>       x = Nothing
>>       ReDim x(1) As MyType
>> …
>> I think you stumbled upon a bug since your using Option Compatible it should
>> have the same behavior as VBA. In VBA both ReDim statements yields an error.
>> “ReDim x(1) As MyType” because it has already been dimensioned and ReDim y
>> As MyType  because it is not a dynamic Array.
> Okay, thanks everyone for your input. It seems like I have
> misunderstood the concept a little bit. I'll take a closer look at it
> when I get home after the weekend.
> J.R.

I am now at home again, so I did some more tests. Here's the current
example code (I modified the first one a little bit):
REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Option Compatible
Option Explicit

Type MyType
        a As Integer
        b As Integer
End Type
Dim x() As MyType ' Comment 1a: See Comment 2 below.
Dim x(1) As MyType ' Comment 1b: See Comment 2 below.
Dim z() As Integer

Sub Main
        Dim y As MyType
        Dim i As Integer
        ReDim x(1) As MyType '  Comment 2: Gives an error if x was declared as
at Comment 1a,
'                               and the line at Comment 1b is omitted.
'                               However, if both lines (1a and 1b) are there, 
there is no error.
        ReDim z(3) As Integer
        For i=0 To 1
        Next i
        For i=0 To 3
        Next i

        MsgBox x(0).a & x(0).b & x(1).a & x(1).b & y.a & y.b & _
        z(0) & z(1) & z(2) & z(3) ' Comment 3: Displays 12345678910

        ReDim x(1) As MyType
        ReDim z(3)
        ReDim y As MyType ' Comment 4: This doesn't give an error, but it 
        MsgBox x(0).a & x(0).b & x(1).a & x(1).b & y.a & y.b & _
        z(0) & z(1) & z(2) & z(3) ' Comment 5: Displays 0000000000
End Sub
———End of code———

”x=Nothing” seems to be the easiest solution or workaround at the
moment. The suggestion to define x as a dynamic array didn't work with
MyType. When doing ReDim, see Comment 2 within the code, I got an
error message about the index, that was out of bounds, an error
message I didn't get for z(), which I declared as Integer instead of
It seems like I can ReDim x outside the subroutine but not inside it,
see comments 1a, 1b and 2.

So, if I declare something as a custom data type above a subroutine or
function, I can not ReDim it inside a subroutine or function. Why is
that? Or is it a bug? Because I can do that if it's declared as one of
the existing data types, such as Integer.

So after all, it seems like the combination of custom data types and
ReDim doesn't behave in an expected way, does it? So there is maybe a
bug there to report.
And, as already pointed out, accepting ReDim for y in my example is
probably also a bug, right?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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