Am 25.08.2011 02:56, planas wrote:
You try using absolute references =if($A$1="p",...) to make sure the
formula always uses the data in the specific cell. When you cut and
paste the data, the formula always reference to the same cell and does
not follow the data. Note you can use partial absolute referencing
($A1/A$1)  in some situations.


This has nothing to do with relative vs absolute referring.

1.1: When moving referenced cells, all references will follow, no matter if you cut&paste or drag&drop, regardless of absolute or relative references. You move the same data to another location and all references will follow the same data (bug: except conditional formatting). 1.2: When copying the referenced cells, this has no effect on the references. They still refer to the same (original) data in the original place. 2.1: When moving referring cells, all references will refer to the same location as they used to, no matter if you cut&paste or drag&drop, regardless of absolute or relative references. 2.2: When copying referring cells, this also will not change the relative nor absolute references because relative
Sheet1.A1 =Sheet2.B2
will still refer to the next row, next column, next sheet when copied to
Sheet3.Z99 =Sheet4.AA100
Nothing really changes *because* the relative addressing adjusts its appearance in order to do exactly the same as before. OT: This is the reason why I prefer the Excel R1C1 notation. IMHO, this notation is the greatest improvement in LibO Calc. You copy a relative reference and it looks exactly the same. =R[1]C[1] means "row +1, column +1. Unfortunately, the sheet component does not follow this convention. It is not even relative as it uses to be in the original notation.

Highlight A1:A6 and drag down 1 row. The "p" and "pass" no longer line up. An 
expected result as the cells are effectively moved.
Highlight A1:A6, cut and paste down 1 row. The "p" and "pass" no longer line 
up. An unexpected result. I am cutting the data to remove it and pasting the data to enter it.
In both cases you follow the above scenario 1.1. You move referenced cells and the referring cells keep track of them.

Highlight A1:A6, copy and paste down 1 row. The "p" and "pass" still line up. 
An expected result.
You modify the referenced cells and the referring cells do not change by any means.

What should be the result of a cut then subsequent paste.
The referring cells keep track of the original data, each subsequent paste is a copy.

Hope this helps,

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