Tom Davies <> typed:
> Hi :)
> My answer is to keep whichever product you were using
> previously.  Just don't bother to upgrade it.  Updates
> are a good idea but paying for a full upgrade is
> unnecessary.
> That way you can use LibreOffice most of the time but
> still go back to your old one for bits&bobs.
> Regards from
> Tom :)

That's pretty much what I do, Tom;


> ________________________________
> From: Alexander Thurgood <>
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 26 August, 2011 7:16:53
> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Suggestions to PTB
> Le 25/08/11 19:37, Twayne a icrit :
> Hi Twayne,
>>    I would love to tell MS to kiss my shiny metal butt,
>> but I can't as long as some of these serious bugs
>> continue to be ignored. One man can push one car; as
>> you're doing now, but not three or four at the same
>> time. All this is part of watching out for the future of
>> LO and being able to say its users are solidly behind
>> it. Anythng that doesn't work shouldn't have been
>> released until it does work.
> I fear you might have misunderstood how this project
> functions. Most of
> the bugs get fixed as and when someone decides that their
> "itch to
> scratch" is really starting to annoy them. The developers
> working as
> employees of some of the software companies involved in
> the LibreOffice project do not have set agendas with
> regard to bug fixing as such that I
> know of - no doubt they have their own internal work
> pressures and
> priorities to deal with before sorting out bug X or bug
> Y. Most of the volunteer developers participate in the
> project because they like
> developing, i.e. for fun. There's no fun involved in
> being told which
> bug to fix and why that particular bug should trump all
> others, in that
> case, they might as well go and develop something else.
> The fact of the
> matter is that there are still too few developers to be
> able to maintain
> the massive beast of code which LibreOffice represents.
> Add to that the
> fact that an even smaller number really know anything
> about the code
> base and how it works as a whole (i.e. where poking one
> thing causes the butterfly to explode on your screen
> 50,000 miles away).
> If you can live with the way the project functions, then
> you can live
> with the bugs. If not, then from a pragmatic point of
> view you can
> either do it yourself, pay someone to do it for you, or
> else come back
> to the project in a few months/years time to see if
> things have moved on
> in the direction you want.
> Alex
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