Hi Alexander,

I was found the statement
and with some kind
of cache issue preventing user configurations from working properly when
trying to use an ODB file produced on another machine
of interest. I've been using Base since it first came out, so probably 8 years, +/-. Prior to that I used Paradox in windows. Base was used in Windows for about 5 1/2 years, and in Ubuntu the last 2 1/2 years. I always have one machine where all changes are made. Then I keep updated copies on 3 other machines. I've had different computer upgrades during that time also. Knock on wood, but Base has always performed perfectly for me on my main work computer which has the original, and the others which I keep updated. Not one issue in all of that time. This isn't a huge database. It has about 2600 records in. Hopefully I never run into the issue you mentioned above!!!!!!!


On 09/02/2011 08:48 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 02/09/11 13:19, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi Tom,

Errr, Alex and Andreas are 2 of the Base experts here.  There are a few others
too.  My advice was based on a few posts by Andreas a while ago but i might have
to work out how i misinterpreted his advice if Alex is saying something
different.  Usually i like it when different experts given contradictory advice
because it leads to discussion where i learn something.  I thought it was a good
idea to avoid Hsql but i could easily be wrong.

I don't think you have misunderstood. Base can be used cross-platform
providing you keep it simple, e.g. :

- filenames and filename paths should be made cross-platform compatible,
i.e. don't name your ODB file or your tables, queries, reports, etc,
with weird and wonderful characters that might be supported on one OS
and not the other ; if possible, stick to ASCII 127;

- don't rely on file path separators to be correctly interpreted if you
store object references in your database (e.g. images, video, sounds and
other binary objects) ;

- if you do store references to binary objects in your db, use relative
references, and ensure that your target host has the same directory setup ;

- beware of potential localisation and cross-platform issues especially
with regard to your choice of data types.

- save your Forms outside of the Base container, i.e. when the form is
open, click on "Save as" and save it to a different location. You can
then provide the forms saved in this way independently of the ODB file.

In the past, there have also been known (as in mailing list discussion
and possibly OOo bugtracker) problems with user configuration files
getting either overwritten or not correctly updated, and with some kind
of cache issue preventing user configurations from working properly when
trying to use an ODB file produced on another machine. These appear to
unfortunately be rather random, and so difficult to pinpoint, but when
they do occur can be really frustrating.




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