Am 07.09.2011 09:56, Roelof Oomen wrote:
I got a corrupted Excel xlsx file when I opened and subsequently saved it using 
LibreOffice Calc. When I open it in Excel the message is "Excel found unreadable 
content [...]", but opening it again in Calc does not produce any errors.

Should I file a bug? Or is someone interested in the file in order to improve 
the xlsx saving abilities of Calc?


Please consider this when you collaborate with users of MS Office (Excel in this particular case):

- All Excel users can open xls.
- Calc and xls have more than a decade of common history, thus xls is supported by Calc almost perfectly, much better than the new shit. - Any new features that may be saved in the new xlsx format do not exist in any software other than Excel. In other words: xlsx may include features you can not even see in Calc or errors that can not be fixed in Calc. - Saving xlsx in Calc helps MS to spread a file format that has been bribed through the standardization boards to fight the existing ODF standard (odt, ods, odp, odg).
- For MS incompatibility is a feature.

"Compatibility" can not be a one-way street.

Solution #1:
Send back an xls version of that file and ask them to exchange spreadsheets in that format.

Solution #2:
They can install LibreOffice side by side with their usual office suite.

Solution #3: makes their office suite fully ODF aware.

On top of all this, I am convinced that LibreOffice must not write MS OOXML. This is an anti-feature against our own interests.


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