On 09/09/2011, krisb <krzysztof.ba...@ostc.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my first message here so please be tolerant :)
> Maybe it is a not right place to ask, but let me start. I'm wondering if is
> possible to open encrypted xlsx/docx files in Libo?

Wrong place, silly question. To illustrate, create an encrypted file
using any non-m$ product. Go to m$ mailing list and ask the inverse to
the above question.

> concept of protecting files exclude possibility of opening it in competitors
> software, since it would be a breaking of encryption algorithm and it would
> be against MSO rights. Am I right?

Totally irrelevant to LO. Please create an encrypted odf document and
ask if LO is supposed to open it (or not).

> Moving away from the solution through the conversion to xls/doc, in general,
> is there a chance to open encrypted ***x file in Libo?

Equally irrelevant; see above

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