On 9/11/11 1:48 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
If you want bottom posting, and only bottom posting, then LO should make
that as a clear decision and then that should be communicated when you
sign up, and, it should be posted on a FAQ. Then, when some uninformed
person top posts, a nicely worded response that bottom posting is
recommended on LO mailing lists, and then provide a link to terms of
usage that states this. The important item, however, is that these
uninformed people be treated nicely and that their questions are
answered. It is counter-productive to the project to provide a response
to their question only to berate them without answering their question.

Couldn't agree more.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 6.0.2
Thunderbird 6.0.2
LibreOffice 3.3.3

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