At 02:06 11/09/2011 -0700, Jim Croxall wrote:
I am trying to delete a load of items out of the spreadsheet selection list that I no longer use, but cannot find a way of doing it!

There are two sorts of selection list, I think.

o The first sort appears in response to right-click | Selection List... (or Ctrl+D). This list assembles itself automatically from all text entries found in the current column. I don't see any way to remove items from this list apart from the obvious one of deleting the text items where they do appear elsewhere in the same column.

o The second sort is created manually, and this must be what you mean. Select the region you want to change. Go to Data | Validity... | Criteria. For Allow you will see List and against Entries the list of items that are valid for this region. You can edit that list as desired.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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