If LibreOffice and OpenOffice.org did not support M$ Office file formats, nobody would support them. Like it or not, the M$ Office file formats, both the older ones and the newer XML based ones, are the defacto industry standards. The greatest marketing point that OOo and its variants, including LibreOffice, have is reasonably good compatibility with M$ Office. That's what makes them a viable alternative for most users. They can download this software for free that does most everything M$ Office does and does it reasonably well. It doesn't do it 100 percent perfectly, but it does it reasonably well and and that's good for most people who choose the free alternatives. They can get their work done and they can share files fairly seamlessly with others, most of whom are using M$ Office.

I actually have both M$ Office and LibreOffice on my computer but most of the time I choose to use LibreOffice because I like the way the software works. I like the integrated approach as opposed to separate applications and I like the fact it's not a M$ product. I share files with M$ Office users on a regular basis and most are unaware that I'm using something other than M$ Office. That's just how good it is. But if it didn't support the M$ Office file formats, I would have no use for it because file sharing is a necessity.

That's the bottom line as I see it.


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