Am 13.10.2011 08:14, John Talbut wrote:

OK, let me go back to square 1.

First of all I am not talking about a situation in which LibreOffice
base needs to access data tables in separate files that use different
database structures, e.g. one table is in MySQL and another is in
PostgreSQL. This may be something that others need and I seem to recall
that M$ access could do this but I do not need to.

Yes, MS Access can bundle many types of database tables as read-only links. Base connects one database file to one database served by one database server. A "database server" may be a directory or a file in some cases.

Next, terminology because "database" can mean a number of things. Please
correct me if I am wrong here. The data are contained in tables. These
can be simple tables such as CSV tables or more complex tables
constructed according to the rules of a particular database application.
These tables can be in separate files or they may be embedded along with
other information.

The built-in HSQLDB 1.8 (not Base!) is able to fill a prepared text table with data coming from a (point decimals and ISO dates).
[Tutorial] Using csv/text files as editable data source:

[Example] Loading CSV into preformatted spreadsheets:
[refer to files #1 and #2]

Now, to my situation. First of all I am using Debian GNU/Linux testing
distribution. I use LibreOffice and for my database needs I use base. I
use the built in HSQLDB database application and have my data tables
embedded in the .odb file.

There is a serious issue with the combination of Linux +Java +Base(OOo/LibO).
[Solved] Extremely Slow search for item in base table:

I'm sure this helps,

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