I looked up some of the Hyphenation info and it seems that they are based upon Tex formating or Oxford English formatting/spelling. As for why it does not look to see if there are hyphens already, blame the Tex code conversion. That is where it seems OOo got its Hyphen information from. The dictionary files for Hyphenation are very complex and code ridden so unless you can read the info [they give a URL for more info] you are told not to modify it. That could cause big problems with your system or if not yours, other OSs then.

I worked on a typewriter version of spellchecker, so I know about substitution codes and with some documentation figure out spelling files, but Hyphen ones seem to be too complex for what I use to know how to do. Also en-English and both Great Britain and Oxford English seems to have different hyphen arrangements for the breaks, or so I gleamed from the little I read.

So I really wonder about hyphens. I rarely use them since I use full-justification instead of using hyphened text to make thing look more justified on both margins. I have not tried to use both. I may have hyphenation turned off as well..

On 10/16/2011 03:42 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
There is some official documentation available from
(same publications although the wiki sometimes has things a day or few before 
they appear on the proper official site)

Just out of curiosity which forums were you using?  The OpenOffice ones?  TDF 
doesn't have any official forums but there are a few unofficial ones and the 
OOo ones should also be good.  Where-ever you ask questions it's a question of 
luck as to how good and quick the answers are.  Sometimes it's impossible to 
even tell if your question has been received by anyone or just vanished into 
the ether.  I would usually (on almost any project) post a new thread or a new 
comment in the same thread if no replies had happened after a couple of days.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 16/10/11, MiguelAngel<mari...@miguelangel.mobi>  wrote:

From: MiguelAngel<mari...@miguelangel.mobi>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] [Writer] Modify hyphenation pattern for some 
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Sunday, 16 October, 2011, 15:29
El 16/10/11 13:03, Mirosław Zalewski

I'm using LO with automatic hyphenation. Most of times
it is pretty great, but
sometimes it fails miserably. Especially for words
that have hyphen in them.
Eg. surname "Kozyr-Kowalski" may be brake as:


It is unacceptable for me.

Is there a way to tell LO Writer to brake words only
in specific place? Or to
prevent hyphenation for some words (I will hyphen them
manually, if I have

If it matters, I am using LibreOffice from Debian
testing repository; version
3.4.3 on amd64.

Thanks in advance.

PS. I have asked that question on LibreOffice Forum,
but after week of no reply,
I am posting it here as well.
Have you had a look in the Text_Flow tab of Paragraph
(Menu/Format/Paragraph or F11).
There are several options obout hyphenation.

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