Am 25.10.2011 03:51, schrieb Peter Langfelder:

this is a re-hash of a problem I saw a year or two ago. Any detailed
figure saved in windows metafile format and included in Impress
(haven't tried other programs) makes Impress grind to a halt. I
observed this with OpenOffice 3.3.x and now also with LibreOffice
3.4.3. Running top in terminal shows continuous high usage (90+%) of
CPU by Xorg. My machine is kind of old but still quite capable (Core
Duo at 3GHz or so, 4GB RAM). I tried unchecking font antialiasing and
hardware acceleration in Tools->Options, to no avail.

An example is posted at
(not the prettiest, but that's what my collaborators sent me). I'm
curious if anyone can make Impress display the slide in editing mode
in anything approaching real time - I'd be very interested in hearing
of any success stories. I killed Impress after 10 minutes twice, and
once I had to kill the X server because the entire desktop became

Interestingly, the slide opens without any difficulties in OpenOffice
2.4.1 and OpenOffice 3.0.0.

If no one is able to open and work with the slide, I am happy to
submit another bug report, although the response to the one I filed
with OpenOffice was "we don't have a fix and won't have one in the
future either".




My LO3.3.4 doesn't respond if I open your file.
so I Tried to open it in Powerpoint 2003. there it opened, butt I was not able to Start the presentation.
But after re-saving the  Pictures as PNG all worked fine in LO.

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