
> Message du 06/11/11 00:43
> De : "David S. Crampton" 
> A : "Users discussions at global.libreoffice.org" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [libreoffice-users] name-define-edit causes crash in LO Calc v3.4.3
> Context: in Calc of LO v3.4.3 on Windows XP Pro. I
> What fails:
> Insert | Names | Define: brings up Define Names dialog;
> Initially, in the Define Names dialog, Scope=Global, Name=, Listbox 
> contains my "outstanding checks", Assigned To is greyed out.
> Click on "outstanding checks" in the listbox;
> Assigned To becomes active and shows the currently defined $A1:$D9.
> Observe that the button "Add" becomes relabeled to "Modify".
> Ignoring, in this first case, the "Modify" button:
> Click into the Assigned To box.
> Type in the edits to rewrite $A1:$D9 to $A31:$D40.
> Click button "OK".
> LO Calc crashes. Every time.
> Upon restart LO Calc does file recovery. Recovery is successful. Range is 
> still defined as the original $A1:$D9.
> Alternate GUI method:
> Click "Modify" button to initiate the same edit.
> Same crash behavior.

> I did an amateur's search of Bugzilla prior to writing this. Hundreds of 
> "define" results but not on this AFAIK. If no clues come from Users forum 
> I will post as new bug.
> Regards
> -- 
> David S. Crampton
Searching with "name" & "ctash", bug with many duplicates are found.
No need to post another bug.
Plus, this bug is solved in future 3.4.4

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