hi. i'm working on a standalone ubuntu 11.04 box (no Windows on it!)
with LibreOffice 3.3.4 OOO330m19 (Build:401).

Last week I sent a client a .doc file, which he reviewed (Edit -> Show) and
then returned to me for further comments. I in turn added comments and
corrections to it in the same fashion, even changing some of his own entries. When I had finished I saved it outright (i.e. not Save as....) and closed it so I
could e-mail it. On second thought I realized I needed to add one more
comment, but when I reopened the document i discovered that it had
been saved as *.docx*... (that is how he had sent his original to me, as I
realized too late...).

Attempts to reopen the document in libreoffice proved futile: all i got to see was a fully readable first page (where no corrections had been made), followed
by some numbering and bullets with no visible text.
I then tried to re-save it as .odt or standard .doc, but no joy.

As I unzipped the document and looked into it I saw that distinct parts of the
document had been stored in separate 'compartments'. In a subsection named
'document.xml' i found the full text (complete with corrections and comments)
listed in something akin to 'web-script' format.

I did return the reviewed document to my client as is (since he is working
with a recent version of MSWord); he will need to use it immediately when
he receives it. My questions are
- is he likely to be able to properly open and view the document as i returned
  it to him?     and if not
- is there some way for me to recover or repair it?

On _imagebin.org_ I have (as 'johnherron') posted the 'segments' of the
document (11082_bb_Memo_inRe_... .docx) as shown by

I'm very new at this, so i'd appreciate whatever help you may be able to provide
in plain, easy-to-understand language.

Thanks even now.


john d. herron, paradox media ltd.
riva caccia 13, ch-6900 lugano
tel: 41 (91) 9800111

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