I just need the name of the mentioned filter. I am not an OO hacker.
I just the the *one* name :)


Am 10. Januar 2012 09:08 schrieb Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>:

> aj,
> Sorry i was thinking you where trie to find a list of all filternames :-)
> Greetz
> Fernand
>> How is this related to my question?
>> -aj
>> Am 9. Januar 2012 14:47 schrieb Fernand Vanrie<s...@pmgroup.be>:
>>  Tom,
>>> With the API and some Basic code from the good old Danny B. can do the
>>> job
>>> gives us a 65 pages writer Doc.
>>> Hope its helps
>>> Greetz
>>> Ferand
>>> Sub Main
>>>    oFF = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.document.****FilterFactory" )
>>>    oFilterNames = oFF.getElementNames()
>>>    ' Now print the filter names.
>>> '    For i = LBound( oFilterNames ) To UBound( oFilterNames )
>>> '        Print oFilterNames(i)
>>> '    Next
>>>    ' Create a Writer doc and save the filter names to it.
>>>    oDoc = StarDesktop.****loadComponentFromURL(
>>> "private:factory/swriter",
>>> "_blank", 0, Array() )
>>>    oText = oDoc.getText()
>>>    oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
>>>    oCursor.gotoEnd( False )
>>>    oText.insertString( oCursor, "Filter Names", False )
>>>    oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Default"
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    ' Print the filter names into a Writer document.
>>>    For i = LBound( oFilterNames ) To UBound( oFilterNames )
>>>        oText.insertString( oCursor, oFilterNames(i), False )
>>>        InsertLineBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    Next
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    oText.insertString( oCursor, "Filter Names and their Properties",
>>> False
>>> )
>>>    oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Default"
>>>    ' Tab stops at:
>>>    '        0.25 inch    (2.54 cm x 0.25)
>>>    '        0.50 inch    (2.54 cm x 0.50)
>>>    '        2.00 inch    (2.54 cm x 2.00)
>>>    oCursor.ParaTabStops = Array(_
>>>        MakeTabStop( 2540 * 0.25 ),_
>>>        MakeTabStop( 2540 * 0.50 ),_
>>>        MakeTabStop( 2540 * 2.00 ) )
>>>    ' Print the filter names and their parameters.
>>>    For i = LBound( oFilterNames ) To UBound( oFilterNames )
>>>        InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>        cFilterName = oFilterNames(i)
>>>        aFilterProps = oFF.getByName( cFilterName )
>>>        oText.insertString( oCursor, cFilterName, False )
>>>        For j = LBound( aFilterProps ) To UBound( aFilterProps )
>>>            oFilterProp = aFilterProps(j)
>>>            InsertLineBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>            oText.insertString( oCursor, CHR(9)+oFilterProp.Name, False )
>>>            nFilterPropValueVarType = VarType( oFilterProp.Value )
>>>            If nFilterPropValueVarType = 8201 Then
>>>                ' VarType 8201 means a sequence of PropertyValue's.
>>>                oFilterPropNames = oFilterProp.Value
>>>                For k = LBound( oFilterPropNames ) To UBound(
>>> oFilterPropNames )
>>>                    InsertLineBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>                    oText.insertString( oCursor, CHR(9)+CHR(9)+**
>>> oFilterPropNames(k).Name+CHR(****9)+CSTR(oFilterPropNames(k).****Value),
>>> False )
>>>                Next k
>>>            ElseIf nFilterPropValueVarType = 8200 Then
>>>                ' VarType 8200 means a sequence of Strings.
>>>                oFilterPropNames = oFilterProp.Value
>>>                For k = LBound( oFilterPropNames ) To UBound(
>>> oFilterPropNames )
>>>                    InsertLineBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>                    oText.insertString( oCursor, CHR(9)+CHR(9)+****
>>> oFilterPropNames(k),
>>> False )
>>>                Next k
>>>            ElseIf nFilterPropValueVarType>  1  And
>>>  nFilterPropValueVarType<= 12 Then
>>>                oText.insertString( oCursor,
>>> CHR(9)+CSTR(oFilterProp.Value)
>>> **, False )
>>>            Else
>>>                oText.insertString( oCursor, CHR(9)+"?? unknown type ?? -
>>> "+CSTR(****nFilterPropValueVarType), False )
>>>            EndIf
>>>        Next j
>>>        InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    Next i
>>>    InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>> End Sub
>>> Sub InsertLineBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    oText.insertControlCharacter( oCursor, com.sun.star.text.****
>>> ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK,
>>> False )
>>> End Sub
>>> Sub InsertParaBreak( oText, oCursor )
>>>    oText.insertControlCharacter( oCursor, com.sun.star.text.**
>>> ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_****BREAK, False )
>>> End Sub
>>> ' Create and return a tab stop.
>>> ' An array of what this function returns, is used
>>> '  to set the tab stops of a paragraph.
>>> '
>>> ' Parameters....
>>> '    nPosition - position in tab stop, in 1000'th of cm.
>>> '    nAlign - optional, if specified, must be one of...
>>> '                com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****LEFT = 0
>>> '                com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****CENTER = 1
>>> '                com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****RIGHT = 2
>>> '                com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****DECIMAL = 3
>>> '                com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****DEFAULT = 4
>>> '    cDecimalChar - optional, if specified, only applies to a DECIMAL tab
>>> stop,
>>> '                    and specified the character which is recognized as
>>> '                    the decimal point separator.
>>> '    cFillChar - optional, if specified, specifies the char that fills
>>> the
>>> space
>>> '                    between tab stops.
>>> Function MakeTabStop( ByVal nPosition As Long,_
>>>                        Optional nAlign,_
>>>                        Optional cDecimalChar,_
>>>                        Optional cFillChar _
>>>                    ) As com.sun.star.style.TabStop
>>>    If IsMissing( nAlign ) Then
>>>        nAlign = com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.****LEFT
>>>    EndIf
>>>    oTabStop = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.style.TabStop" )
>>>    oTabStop.Position = nPosition
>>>    oTabStop.Alignment = nAlign
>>>    If Not IsMissing( cDecimalChar ) Then
>>>        oTabStop.DecimalChar = cDecimalChar
>>>    EndIf
>>>    If Not IsMissing( cFillChar ) Then
>>>        oTabStop.FillChar = cFillChar
>>>    EndIf
>>>    MakeTabStop() = oTabStop
>>> End Function
>>>  Hi :)
>>>> All i could find was this wiki-page
>>>> http://help.libreoffice.org/****Common/About_Import_and_****
>>>> Export_Filters<http://help.libreoffice.org/**Common/About_Import_and_**Export_Filters>
>>>> <http://help.**libreoffice.org/Common/About_**Import_and_Export_Filters<http://help.libreoffice.org/Common/About_Import_and_Export_Filters>
>>>> >
>>>> last updated in May so i think things are likely to have moved on quite
>>>> a
>>>> lot!  Also i suspect there are add-ons/extensions that can add to the
>>>> list.
>>>> I tried looking up release notes
>>>> http://www.libreoffice.org/****download/release-notes/<http://www.libreoffice.org/**download/release-notes/>
>>>> <http:/**/www.libreoffice.org/download/**release-notes/<http://www.libreoffice.org/download/release-notes/>
>>>> >
>>>> http://wiki.**documentfoundati**on.org/**ReleaseNotes/3.5<http://documentfoundation.org/**ReleaseNotes/3.5>
>>>> <http**://wiki.documentfoundation.**org/ReleaseNotes/3.5<http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/3.5>
>>>> >
>>>> which led me to
>>>> http://wiki.**documentfoundati**on.org/**Releases/3.4.4_info_**
>>>> about_**fixes<http://documentfoundation.org/**Releases/3.4.4_info_about_**fixes>
>>>> <http://wiki.**documentfoundation.org/**Releases/3.4.4_info_about_**
>>>> fixes<http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/3.4.4_info_about_fixes>
>>>> >
>>>> but there is not much detail listed in there.  mostly it seems
>>>> broad-brushstrokes rather than fine-grained detail .
>>>> Apols and regards from
>>>> Tom :)
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