Hi <insert name here>,

your posting formatting is totally broken. Please have a look at the settings in your application.

. schrieb:
On 01/11/2012 04:07 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:Hi ??. schrieb:Besides Format 
-----Print Ranges---Define......is
       there a quick way toset a print range?Switch to 'Page Break Preview'.Mark the 
range.Choose 'Add Print Range' from context menu.Kind regardsReginaThat's great!By 
"context menu" do you mean the menu I see when I right-click on
     the selected sheet area?Otherwise- there is no icon on the toolbar
     that I see.

Yes "context menu" is the menu, which you usually get with a right mouse click. On Windows you can use the "Context menu" key from your keyboard, next to the right Ctrl-key, as well, or you use the key combination Shift-F10.

Kind regards

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