Hi :)
You might be able to turn off java completely.
Tools - Options - Java

Generally and for most programs it is best to have only the very newest JRE.  
It is always written with security flaws which we don't find out about until 
later.  The company that produces it assures us that their newer one is "safer" 
or even sometimes say it is safe but then a month or so later tell us that we 
have to upgrade again because that version has horrendous vulnerabilities.  

So, LibreOffice is trying to write-out any need for java and at the moment it 
is only needed for a fwe things such as the database (if you use the default 
back-end that is embedded in Base), a few wizards and some extensions.  

Where it hasn't been written-out it seems their  best version is 6_21 or on 
Windows 6u21 unless you are using the very newest beta-testing pre-release 
version of LibreOffice (the 3.5.x branch) in which case java 7_something should 
be best.  In LibreOffice 3.3.x and 3.4.x any version higher than 6_24 created 
problems for a lot of people and higher numbers even made LO crash in quite a 
few cases.  If you are using higher numbers without hassle then you can 
probably turn off java altogether (in LO)

Just my 2cents from watching this list a lot
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 17/1/12, Michael Bogaerts <i...@bogy.be> wrote:

From: Michael Bogaerts <i...@bogy.be>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Best JRE for LibreOffice on a 64-bit system: 
32 or 64 bit ?
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Tuesday, 17 January, 2012, 1:39

Maybe this can help you

i use Libreoffice and have installed the next JRE's;

JRE 1.6.u30 x86
JRE 1.6u30 x64
JRE 1.7u2 x86
JRE 1.7u2 x64

libreoffice ofrcourse only uses the x86 versions ... and only the 1.6...
IE 64bit uses the x64 jre
FFox uses the x86 jre since it's 32 bit

all other 64 bit apps use 1.7 x64
all other 32 bit apps use 1.7 x86

it depends on the application which jre is used... it has to be compatible with 
it's bit-code...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Michael Bogaerts
Zaakvoerder ~ F1/Help PC-Herstellingen
E-Mail (Privé): i...@bogy.be <mailto:i...@bogy.be>
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De bij ons als "Fabian Rodriguez" geidentificeerde tegenpartij wist exact op 
11/01/2012 15:17 uur het volgende uit de vingers te tokkelen:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> This may sound obvious but I am not certain of the answer and wanted to
> double-check here.
> When installting LibreOffice for Windows for use on a 64-bit system, is
> it best to install the 32-bit or the 64-bit JRE ?
> Thanks for any information on this.
> Fabian
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: PGP/Mime available upon request
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> /z4An3qMCIyyKSDUSd9jjQbg032PVhIc
> =GQ17

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