Am 18.01.2012 14:56, Calvin Kim wrote:
I usually convert it to .csv and extract data with PHP, but I love to
see how to do it with Calc.

Manually without any coding:
Connect a registered Base document to the spreadsheet. A connection to an indexed dBase copy might be more performant.
Create a parameter query: SELECT * FROM "Table" WHERE "Column"= :p
Create a Calc template with an import range bound to that param query.
Bind some shorcut to command "refresh data range", say Ctrl+R
Declare the template as default template.
Switch to xls as default file format.

Ctrl+N gets a new document.
Ctrl+R prompts for parameter :p. Enter 1 and wait for the import to complete.
Ctrl+W closes this document prompting for the xls file name. Enter 001.

Repeat these 3 steps until you are finished.

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