Dear Ladies and Gentlemen  out there.
I am confused -- can you help me? I recently installed LibreOffice-v3.4.5 after beeing a happy OO-user in many many years. I now need to make a couple of relational databases (subforms &-reports) and decided to try LibreO's Base. On my main-PC (AMD Athlon II X3 445, Win7Prof/32bit) the LO's Base caused the program to stop (Write&Calc work OK). I uninstalled LO, removed folders via WinExplorer, rebooted, installed LOv3.4.5 again and when asked for a new JRE I tried to understand the instructions found and first installed JRE8 (jre-8-ea-bin-b21-windows-i586-13_jan_2012.exe) and then JRE7 (jre-7u2-windows-i586.exe) and loaded both as instructed into LO (LO-page: tools/options/LibreOffice/java). Now LO didn't stop but neither of the JREs seem to be sufficient /"LibreO requires a JRE to perform this task. The selected JRE is defective. Please select and install a new JRE/" and then "/connection to datasource ("db-name") could not be established -- no Java installation could be found; check installation/". I did my best several times. Note. After doing exactly same install process on my laptop (Win7Prem/64bit) the LO(64bit), Base included, works fine. Did I do something wrong, wrong versions, is it the 32bit make of LO or the LO-Base itself, is the JRE(32bit) wrong, -- or what? I like the graphical interface but I don't want to go back to OO and I don't want to buy a MSAccess, and for my simple needs a MySQL/PHP/Apache seems too heavy to learn.
Thanks in advance.
Pepe Rönnberg (Finland)

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