On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 16:06 +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> On 03/02/2012 15:50, Tom Davies wrote:
> > Hi :)
> > Have you opened the ods as an archived-file / zip-file?  Are the tab-labels 
> > in the contents.xml in there?
> > Regards from
> > Tom :)
> >
> >
> >
> I tried adding this Macro:
> Sub Rename_Tabs()
>   Dim x As Long, suffix As String
>   Dim v as Variant
>   suffix = " 12"
>   v = Split("Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec", ",")
> *For x = 1 To Worksheets.Count*
>       If Not IsError(Application.Match(Left(Sheets(x).Name, 3), v, 0)) Then
>       Sheets(x).Name = Left(Sheets(x).Name, 3) & suffix
>       End If
>   Next
> End Sub

Ok - well, here is a quick replacement, should do the trick for you

Sub Rename_Tabs()
  Dim x As Long, suffix As String
  Dim v as Variant
  Dim CurrentFile as object
  Dim WorkSheets as Variant
  ' LibreOffice ships with a collection of useful macros in a libary
  ' TOOLS which must be loaded explicity

  suffix = " 12"
  v = Split("Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec", ",")

  CurrentFile = thisComponent
  ' thisComponent is a pseudo variable that always returns the current
  ' document on your desktop
  ' from here on out it should be fairy clear
  WorkSheets = CurrentFile.getSheets
  For x = 0 To Worksheets.Count -1
    ' the IndexinArry function in 'tools' is similar to MATCH in VBA
    If IndexinArray(Left(WorkSheets(x).Name, 3), v) <> -1 Then
      WorkSheets(x).Name = Left(WorkSheets(x).Name, 3) & suffix
    End If

End Sub

Best of luck,


> But it fell over on the bolded portion. I'm not a macro person and this 
> was copied from one in Excel that worked OK.
> Anyone tell me what I need to replace the bolded bit with?

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