
There was an interesting discussion which seemed to be about using
accounting principles/conventions with computer software.

Clearly the original poster forgot to dispense with traditional
thought processes and think critically about how new tools (first the
computer, then more specifically open source software) offers the
opportunity to develop new methods for solving problems.

We read the all-too-common scenario: an m$ fan wanting to use LO as an
m$ clone without learning anything new or assessing whether there is a
better way of doing things. As always, such people want open source
software users to help them for free. Please reconsider and revert to
using m$; the fact that the problem was solved using m$ proves this

m$ users, please take the time to do your homework, research the
alternatives before asking for open source software to adopt the same
behaviour, mentality and sometimes inefficient process to performing
tasks as m$.

The example of organising identical data types into multiple
spreadsheets is so common, primarily because the average "office"
personnel is not introduced (nor willing to accept) to the power of

Realistically, we cannot expect someone due to retire soon to suddenly
change, but the next generation should be encouraged to be open minded
to using new ideas.

By the way, thank you for the hyperlink to the data pilot functions,
but should this type of functionality be performed by learning how to
use relational database queries?

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