Am 10.02.2012 18:51, Jeremy Sears wrote:
Im new to LibreOffice. I have searched a bit but can seem to find a
specfic answer to my question.

In LibreOffice can I print address to multiple labels or on multiple letters?

I have a spreadsheet with a number of mailing addresses. I would like
to know how to tell LibreOffice to automatically read my spreadsheet
and print each address to a label or letter.


[X] Connect to existing databsae
Type: Spreadsheet
Specify your spreadsheet document
[X] Register the new database
Save the database file which is just a configuration file. All data still reside in your spreadsheet.

In Writer hit F4, find your address table in the left pane, wait a few seconds until data appear in the right pane. Drag the column labels from the right pane into your Writer document. This will insert placeholder fields which will be substituted with the respective table data when you print the letter.

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