MiguelAngel wrote:
> El 12/02/12 16:04, Barry Smith escribió:
>> Thank you for your help, Miguel.
>>> =MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!B$2:B$1491,0)
>> That is part of the problem.  That says within the WB1 column, that
>> there is a match on the 122 row, but the actual row is 123... so MATCH
>> gives a row relative to the top of the vector.  That is even better than
>> I was hoping for (I was thinking that I'd have to subtract a scalar
>> because the matrix started in Row 2 (or 3, since I'm trying to create
>> the stats before the draw on 2/8).
>> So, I dupe the MATCH function for each WB column, and can I then use MIN
>> to find the first occurrence...
>> Something like
>> =MIN( MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!B$2:B$1491,0),
>> MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!C$2:C$1491,0),
>> MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!D$2:D$1491,0),
>> MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!E$2:E$1491,0),
>> MATCH(N(A2),'20120208'!F$2:F$1491,0) )
>> That would give me the lowest row in the matrix where N(A2) is found...
>> I think.
>> Thank you for your help, Miguel.
>> Paz, (escribo español también)
> For you can use a matrix fomula:
> =ArrayFormula(MIN(IF('20120208'!B$2:H$1490=$A2;ROW('20120208'!B$2:H$1490);999999)))
> This is how is view in google docs,
> To enter in LibreOffice, intruduce the formula:
> =MIN(IF('20120208'.B$2:H$1490=$A2;ROW('20120208'.B$2:H$1490);999999))
> and finish with Crtl+Shift+Enter
> Take care of sheet separator, if you use Libo or google docs.
> Miguel Ángel.

I read about array functions somewhere in the LO docs, but I had no idea
how to use them.

Also, I'm only using LO.  I tossed the xls up to Google docs so that
people who wanted to help could see the sheets that I was working with.

> To enter in LibreOffice, intruduce the formula:
> =MIN(IF('20120208'.B$2:H$1490=$A2;ROW('20120208'.B$2:H$1490);999999))
> and finish with Crtl+Shift+Enter
I'll have to study that formula carefully...
=MIN(IF('20120208'.B$2:G$1490=$A2,ROW('20120208'.B$2:G$1490)," "))
Column H is the PowerPlay column - it doesn't fit into the domain for
Powerball Draws...

and the Ctrl+Shift+Enter...  I tried just Enter and got an Err: 504.  I
copied the formula for B to G, pasted, and finished with
Ctrl-Shift-Enter, and it worked.

Thank you for your help, Miguel.
I need to learn more about "array" functions... the one applied when you
use the Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

Back to the design table. :)


Barry Smith
e bnsmith...@gmail.com
w http://bit.ly/l8QJup

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