On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 05:39 -0800, gerbreown wrote:
> I used the Tools > Relationships and dragged/drug the field in one table to
> the matching field in the other table, just like in MS Access.
> The second table was done the same way.
> I now have a lot of different tables with relationships between them.  When
> I create the forms for data entry to these various tables it causes the same
> error because of the deleted table.  I had created another table and set up
> the relationships for it and when I kept getting the error, I renamed the
> new table to the old table that had been deleted but it still didn't work.  
> The problem seems to be with the SYS_FK_xxx tables that didn't get deleted
> when I deleted the table.  Do you know where these tables are located and
> how they can be manually deleted/edited?
> Thanks
> --
      Yes, I know where the table is located. First step is to make a
copy of your database. Then rename it so that its extension is changed
from x.odb to  x.zip. Open x.zip with an archive manager (Winzip or 7zip
are two that will do this). This will produce several folders and three
files. Double click the database folder to open it. Then open the script
file. The relationship can be deleted there. After making your changes,
you zip all the files together and rename the database file from x.zip
to x.odb.
     WARNING!! Unless you are well versed in extracting files from a
zipped format or adding them to it, this is not something that you
should be doing.
     Here is a work around to try. Open the database, x.odb. Then from
its main database window, create a new database, y.odb. Copy and paste
the tables from x.odb to y.odb. Define the relationships that you want,
and recreate your forms.
     Suggestion: Download Getting Started with Base (one of the chapters
in the Getting Started Guide). It might be a refresher on the
differences between Access and Base (there are some differences). Also,
please study the section on how to set and modify relationships using


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