Am 28.02.2012 01:10, Roger Sawkins wrote:
I have Powerpoint on one machine and LibreOffice on another. I want to be
able to edit and save PowerPoints on either machine.

Hello Roger,
It is not supposed to work like this. LibreOffice is not a drop in replacement for any other software. You can import complex and proprietary foreign file formats in order to create your own ODF documents to work with. The import accuracy is fairly well with .doc and .xls, it is not so good with .ppt. Your ODF documents should be fully compatible across several applications. Of course MS will never really support ODF. They do not support any file format they do not control. If and only if you want to share an office file with a co-editor who can not install ODF capable software, then you may send him doc/xls/ppt copies of your ODF documents together with a PDF version so he/she can compare the intended layout in a PDF viewer with the actual layout in his software. First of all you should care about the fonts used in your documents. This office suite can not transfer any fonts embedded in the sent documents. If your font is not installed on the other machine, the overall look and pagination will differ for sure. Since you are writing about 2 of your own computers, I'd suggest to use the same software on both machines.
Hope this helps,

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