Le 29/02/2012 18:15, Dan Lewis a écrit :

Hi Dan,

      What would most people who are new to Base think after reading the
negative comments about Base? Statements about how hard it is to learn
(comparing learning at least some of it to the difficulty of learning a
new language). No one seems to be able to give references that would
help. (No one has so far.)

On the contrary, I think you'll find that in the past (and I'm not referring to this thread) we have directed people to the OOo Base forums because that is where people with Base questions have found (at least partial, if not complete) answers. If we decide to ignore the existing information, advice and caveats, whilst it is still available and for the most part relevant, I feel we are just deluding ourselves.

      OK, I have had my say. I will likely delete any replies that come
from this thread because I have seen people justify their actions in the
past threads. This is suppose to be a list to help others, and their
comments are not likely to do that. Besides, any replies to me need to
consist of references for getting the most from Base. Other than help in
learning more about how to use it, I don't need.

Dan, most of us who have commented here have worked, and still continue to work, with LO and databases in some form or another. However, we have learnt from much trial and error, late nights, gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair, some of us over a period of more than 10 years, that ultimately pragmatism must trump the day. Has that stopped me from starting the migration of the French Base FAQ to the English LO wiki ? Absolutely not.

On the otherhand, after more than 15 years of using StarOffice, then OpenOffice.org and now LibreOffice, majoritarily with database interaction I have absolutely no delusions about what Base can or can not do. That doesn't mean I've lost interest in it, but I'm perfectly willing to recognise its failings in comparison to those products to which it has always been touted as "equivalent", i.e. FileMakePro (even Apple's Bento is better than Base from a usability perspective), Lotus Approach, Access, and even some of the cloud DB/Form/Framework services now being offered for free in most cases. I call that realism, not negativism.

Since you mentioned references, I would say to anyone interested in Base, that they would do well to "start" by looking at the OOo Base forum :


or even this one :


Almost every and any question related to using Base has been posted there at some time. Yes, you have to trawl, yes you have to formulate a search query to find things there, but really, this mailing list is a far, far below what can be found on that forum in terms of breadth and depth.


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