
The question really is: if LO is based on  an 'object broker' as UNO, is
there an easy way to add an object *without recompiling and building LO

Like with ActiveX controls: once you've created one and 'registered' it
you can put them on any ActiveX container and if you have a scripting
language available can actually make the control do some useful work.

Let's say I steel the code of Evolutions calendar window, can I build a
standalone control from that, register it with UNO, place it on a form
and fill it with data from Base?


Alex Thurgood schreef op vr 02-03-2012 om 08:40 [+0100]:

> Le 01/03/2012 23:38, Ferry Toth a écrit :
> Hi Ferry,
> > Is there an easy way?
> Trick question : you know there isn't ;-)
> >
> > We would like to put an 'agenda' (like daily/weekly/monthly tasks)
> > control on a Base form.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> Errrm, the only thing I can think of offhand is a programmatically 
> created multipage/tab dialog box. Do you have Roberto Benitez' book on 
> Base programming ? I seem to recall it covers things like this.
> Alex

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