On 3/6/2012 2:12 PM, Cliff Scott wrote:
** Reply to message from Edwin Matheson<mathe...@bellsouth.net>  on Tue, 06
Mar 2012 09:16:25 -0500

I want to thank everyone for trying to help me with my spell check
problem.  However, I still have the problem.  Spell check tells me that
every word in my doc. is spelled wrong.  I still have OpenOffice on my
computer and I was able to get into the system (it usually crashes) I
pulled down every window in both OpenOfffice and Libreoffice and
compared all the settings.  English (USA) is set everywhere possible in
both systems.  Yet, spell check works perfectly in OpenOffice and won't
Thanks for the help. I reloaded the program and everything seems to be working correctly. Thanks again

work at all in Libreoffice.

So I have no choice but to uninstall Libreoffice and look for another

Thanks again for all your help.

I haven't been following all the answers give to help you, but wanted to
throw out a couple of my own. You may have already tried these, but if not

they may help.

The problem you describe is not a normal problem. LO normally does spell
check fine so there has to be something in the install or setup that went
wrong so before you jump ship please try the following:

1. Close LO and rename you profile to something else than it is now, reboot
the computer then restart LO Writer. This should put you back to defaults.

2. If #1 didn't help then close LO, rename the profile again and uninstall

LO. Reboot your computer and then reinstall LO, checking the
language/dictionary settings (2 places) during the advanced install.
Hopefully this will give you a normally functioning LO.

Hope this helps.


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