At 15:59 23/03/2012 -0400, Doug McGarrett wrote:
Interesting problem: An email text is received which you need to format for publication. The email uses a carriage return at the end of each line, and a double carriage return for paragraph spacing. What I'd like to do is remove the cr's at the end of each line, so the text can be justified, and turn the double cr's into paragraph controls, or just leave as double cr's. Obviously all this can be done a line at a time by hand, but it's a pain. Is there any way someone can suggest to automate this?

Yes.  First recombining the lines into paragraphs:
o Go to Tools | AutoCorrect Options... | Options, and tick "Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than 50%".
o Go to Format | AutoCorrect > | Apply.


o You may need to reduce that value of 50% to make the facility work properly in your case. Click on the text of the option and the Edit... button below will light up and enable you to edit the 50% value to a suitable smaller one.

o Applying AutoCorrect will make other changes to your text - which you may not want. You can avoid this in two ways: either switch off unwanted changes in the AutoCorrect dialogue or - more easily - use Format | AutoCorrect > | Apply and Edit Changes instead. Then choose Edit Changes when challenged. Now click the Comment column header in the Accept or Reject AutoFormat Changes panel; this sorts all the changes of a particular type together. Select all the "Combine paragraphs" lines together (using Shift-click or Shift-arrow in the usual way) and click Accept. Now click Reject All to reject all other changes.

Now to remove empty paragraphs:
o In the Find & Replace dialogue, click More Options, and then tick "Regular expressions".
o Search for ^$ - that's circumflex-dollar - and replace with nothing.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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