Hi, I'm new here, and I'm driven here by desperation. I'm trying to build libreoffice- on FreeBSD and it is failing the testing stage. I'm running out of time for a client to pick up, so I need to fix this now and I need some pointers on how to figure out whats wrong here.

This is on a unit not on the network, so this output has been copied by hand:

Module 'scripting' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 28 files unchanged
[ build ALL ] top level modules: sc
[ build ALL ] loaded modules: sc
[ build CUT ] sc_ucalc
Abort trap (core dumped)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException' gmake[1]: *** [/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap-] Error 1
dmake: Error code 2, while making 'all'
[ build ALL ] top level modules: sw
[ build ALL ] loaded modules: sw
[ build CHK ] loaded modules: sw
[ build LOG ] sw
sw deliver
deliver -- version: 275594
Module 'sw' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged

[build error message]

internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap- ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap-

[ standard fix message ]

rm -Rf /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap- # optional module 'clean'
cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap-
source ./FreeBSDAMDEnv.Set.sh
cd sd

So I follow the instructions and under "start unit test #1 on library ../../unxfbsd.pro/lib/libqa_unit.so":

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException' /usr/local/bin/bash: line 1: 70633 Abort trap: 6 (core dumped) [ more data output (remember I'm copying by hand) ]
dmake: Error code 134, while making 'test'

[ standard error message - again ]

internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-bootstrap-

it seems that the error is inside 'sd', please rerun build inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:
[ standard fix message - again ]

This is all very well, but I have no idea where to go from here. I tried examining the core dumps (when I found them), but all I get is:

#0 0x00000008016bca7c in ??

I cannot get anymore information to help debug the problem. I ran make with -DDISABLE_MAKE_JOBS and -DDEBUGCPPUNIT to no avail. I checked if $LANG and friends are set - no.

What pagan ritual do I need to perform to find out whats wrong? Or better yet - whats wrong?


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