Am 12.04.2012 01:17, avamk wrote:

As a new user, the new HSQL looks very interesting, but I am still a little

Does this mean if I setup HSQL 2.2.8 per your instructions in the original
post, I will have a database service/server running on my machine that
LibreOffice acts as frontend for? I.e. will my databse become more similar
to a MySQL or PostgreSQL server/client model, and not an embedded file
anymore? Also, is there a way to migrate existing databases created with
"vanilla" LibreOffice Base to this new HSQL?


This is how the database connectivity was designed in 1 before there was any component called Base and it still works in this manner. A "Base document" (*.odb) is just a package container for a set of frontend tools and an _optional_ HyperSQL backend. Base "installs" (extracts) the backend databaes every time you open such an .odb file and it repackages the modified database when you close the file. Keeping the database out of the Base container is far more safe and efficient. The embedded HSQLDB deserves its merits for educational purposes. It makes it easy to exchange relational database demos on the internet.
The database can be anything connectable via ODBC or JDBC.

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