Both of these will be easy to do as a query in Base, although the 
first is a little tedious, provided that you can get both tables into 
the same database.

Something along the lines of

    SELECT * FROM <MasterTable>
        JOIN <MonthlyUpdateTable> ON Master.IdField = Month.IdField
        WHERE   Master.Column1 <> Monthly.Column1
            OR  Master.Column2 <> Monthly.Column2
            OR ... (The rest of the fields)

If you can't get both into the same database, don't use the embedded 
database (though you wouldn't anyway, would you? ;-) ), And bring 
them into separate databases and then perform that SQL using the data 
engine itself, ie not through Base, even if you use Base to get the 
data there in the first place.

For any database worth its salt 2000 records is tiny.

For records in one but not in the other

    SELECT * FROM <One version>
        WHERE IdField NOT IN (SELECT IdField FROM <Otherversion>)

And then do it the other way around.

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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