On 04/16/2012 02:36 PM, Udvarias Ur wrote:
Thanks Guys,

I actually did find the answer to the 1st question, how to restart the
numbering, in chapter 3.

However, there is no mention of how to use the same footnote/endnote
number in more than 1 location in the text to refer to a single
footnote. I've had to restore to changing the colour of the consecutive
numbers. i.e. 2 different locations/footnote numbers that both refer to
Leviticus III, 16.

Regardless, thanks very, very much for pointing me to the documentation
WEB site, I had not even thought of it before. I've now added it to my
bookmarks. Thanks again.

You need to use 'Section' to restart numbering for footnote/endnote.
Insert -> Section... -> Footnotes/Endnotes

Put each chapters into separate section.

1. Insert -> Section... and optionally change settings for
2. A section inserted above your cursor.
3. You need move cursor one line up in order to move in newly created
4. Enter your contents.
5. For next chapter/section, make sure move out of your section
6. Repeat from step 1

How do you know which section you are in?
Make sure 'Status Bar' is visible. (View -> Status Bar) You will see current name of section in the status bar.

If you already have all contents,

1. Selection/highlight target chapter/texts
2. Insert -> Section... -> Footnotes/Endnotes
3. Selected chapter/texts will be separated into different section
4. Default section name is section 1, section 2, etc. Diligently rename
   them according to your context. This will easy navigating different
   parts of your document

If you need to modify existing section,

1. Goto Format -> 'Sections...'
2. Select problematic section (if you renamed them, choosing target
   section is easy)
3. Click 'Options...' to edit settings

Section can be nested meaning a section can contain other sections. Be careful not to nest sections unless your document structure demands it.

A note, <Ctrl>-A in a section will only selects contents in that section, not whole document.


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