On 05/06/2012 01:31 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 06.05.2012 14:38, Renaud (Ron) Olgiati wrote:
On Sunday 06 May 2012 08:21 my mailbox was graced by a message from Andreas
Säger who wrote:
Why should MSOffice support ODF?

Because in more and more places (think European Union) it is becoming a legal
obligation to publish official texts in a non-proprietary format ?



ODF support in MSOffice is propaganda. MS does nothing while watching other vendors struggling with their OOXML monstrosity. Even when MSO destroyed an ODF document people tend to blame Libre/OpenOffice: http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50889

Well, MSO wanted their formats to be the world wide default "open format", but they did not get it. So they had to adopt ODF for the European market, or so I have heard. If they do it bad enough, they can blame the format and not their use of it. Then they point and say that you should not use ODF but MSO's formats if you want to have business class documents.

Well, since I use Ubuntu for my default system, I do not have the MSO option. If I was required to use it, I do have a MSO 2003 version I could add to my XP or Vista boots for my Ubuntu/Windows dual booting laptops.

I have read something about 12.04LTS/Unity has some icon issues with LO, but I did not see that. But I use MATE instead of Unity as my preferred desktop environment on my Ubuntu 12.04 boot on my testing laptop. I like GNOME 2.x, so MATE is the best DE I can currently find for 12.04 that has the look and feel of what I have on my Ubuntu 10.04LTS default desktop [which I am typing from now].

So, if I want to deal with MSO files, I use LO 3.4.6 [may try 3.5.3 on the testing laptop] on my desktop. It seems to read most of the MSO documents I get sent from people who are at government agencies and are required to use MSO. I also tend to tell them to send out .doc instead of .docx files, since there are still a large percentage of people/agencies that never bought any newer version of MSO than 2003. Also I tell them that MSO 2010 .docx files can have issues if you open them in MSO 2007. So they should stick with .doc files instead. MSO just keep on messing with their file formats and those new version are not completely compatible with their older MSO versions that could read those formats [by mime name].

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