Andreas Säger wrote:

-- When you drag the query icon from the left pane of the data source window onto a Calc cell you will get a semi-automatic link. Call menu:Data>Refresh to refresh the link. -- When you drag selected row selectors you get a copy of selected rows. The top-left corner of a row set selects all rows. Same with queries, views and tables opened from some database window. -- Dragging a query icon from the database window creates a refreshable link as well but the link breaks when the connection closes. Bug or not bug? Who cares? -- From a form you can copy from the additional grid view. Hit the last button on the navigation tool bar.

The linked data range resizes dynamically with every refresh.
Any formula cells directly adjacent to the import range will expand and shrink with the resized data range. So the clearly defined row sets of a database enable dynamically resizing formula ranges. A feature that does not exist with a pure spreadsheet. Tons of silly macro code have been written for this.

Its properties are accessible via menu:Data>Define...
Below [More Options] we have 4 widely unknown options:
1) Contains column labels (always true for database imports)
2) Keep formatting: spreadsheet formatting overrides any Base formatting. Should be true by default. 3) Insert/remove cells: Do not overwrite/clear cells when the database range expands/shrinks. Should be true by default, particularly with resizing formula ranges. 4) Don't save imported data. Useful with very large row sets and when you want to refresh on open. Prompts for refresh when opening the file.

Wow! You gave me a lot to think about. I will have to experiment a bit with these suggestions.
Thank you very much for your help.

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