Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 26.05.2012 00:47, Girvin R. Herr wrote:

As an update to my problem with Report Builder, my 1500+ record database
takes 94 pages of a Report Builder / Writer document. I put on my
patience hat and timed how long it takes to format the report, ready for
printing. As a baseline, it takes about 49 minutes to create the
original document. I cleared my preferences and re-entered them, using
mostly defaults and timed it again: 49 minutes. So it is not preference
corruption from previous versions. I then updated my java to 1.6u30 and
timed it again: 49 minutes. So, it doesn't look like Java is the
problem. I then went back to my original use of SQL from when I created
the report with the wizard, rather than using a query for the data and
timed it: 49 minutes! No matter what I do, it takes about the same
excruciatingly long time to build my report. What is really frustrating
is that there is no status popup to inform me of what it is doing. It
just goes out to lunch. Actually, it seems to initially create 128 pages
with header and footer, but no data, at the end of the first "sleep".
When the page status at the bottom of the writer window drops to 94
pages, I know it is done. Every so many pages, it does come back alive
for a second or two and then goes out to lunch again for several
minutes. Each time it returns, a few more pages are populated with data.

Every time when there is a performance problem with this office suite, Tom blames Java. It has to be Java just because Java is evil.

Now this may be related to the one and only Java related performance problem and Tom does not even notice.

You are running the combination of Linux, Base plus JDBC?

Yes! Plus the "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" class and the "MySQL (JDBC)" connection type option. And I am using the "MySQL-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar" in the class path and the MySQL 5.0.67 server.
Sun (Oracle) Java version 1.6.0_30
All test okay, of course.

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