Am 29.05.2012 23:36, leeand00 wrote:

I suppose the confusing bit would be where the UNO components come in, how
are these handled in Python?

class Office:
    '''Frequently used methods in office context'''
    def __init__(self, ctx=uno.getComponentContext()):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.smgr = self.ctx.ServiceManager

    def createUnoService(self, service):
        return self.smgr.createInstance(service)

    def getDesktop(self):
return self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext("",self.ctx)

    def getCurrentComponent(self):
        return self.getDesktop().getCurrentComponent()

    def getCurrentFrame(self):
        return self.getDesktop().getCurrentFrame()

    def getCurrentComponentWindow(self):
        return self.getCurrentFrame().getComponentWindow()

    def getCurrentContainerWindow(self):
        return self.getCurrentFrame().getContainerWindow()

    def getCurrentController(self):
        return self.getCurrentFrame().getController()

    def callMRI(self,obj=None):
'''Create an instance of MRI inspector and inspect the given object (default is selection)'''
        if not obj:
            obj = self.getCurrentController().getSelection()
        mri = self.createUnoService("mytools.Mri")

def testMessageAndMRI(*args):
'''A macro to be called from the office GUI'''
    o = Office(XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext())

# this is the list of callable macros:
g_exportedScripts = testMessageAndMRI,

The rest is a piece of cake if you know how to write Python code.

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