Andreas Säger wrote:
Experience is the keyword. From my experience it is a matter of pure chance if the table wizard produces a set of tables that can be related to each other. It is perfectly normal that a primary key does not fit the type of a foreign key. This is inacceptable because newbies can not understand the problems imposed by the software tool.
Ah, yes, experience. Your experience is not the same as others, and you expect more from people than you should. You speak of "newbies" yet you seem to be saying that tables are easier to create in Design View and even easier using SQL. This is not my experience, nor does this seem even logical. I know how frustrated I got just typing in the SQL dialog (Tools > SQL) when creating a table even when I was copying the Base Tutorial that includes this topic. But since I do have a mathematical background, I will say: prove it. Give me an example of set of tables that can be related to each other. Prove that it can not be created with the table wizard. Be specific when you speak of the problems imposed by it when creating a table. Just remember that these tables have to be simple enough that a newbie would want to use.


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