I was looking in my ISO folder and I realized that yesterday was an anniversary.

One year and one day ago, I created the "first" LibreOffice North American Community DVD .iso file. That was for LO 3.3.3.

Today, I created an updated 3.5.4 .iso file for my use. Next week will be 3.5.5.

One year of making and handing out NA-DVDs to the local community. I do not know how many 100's of DVD I have made in that year's time. I do not remember all the business, government offices, and individuals that I have given a copy of the DVDs to.

LibreOffice has grown a lot since then. So has the NA-DVD. Much of the DVD has not changed much, except the theme, the extensions, templates, and other files that are listed in its pages. Old version have been updated, if available. New items added. My, KPP English dictionaries were developed for LO [and OOo/AOO]. And other thing, good and bad, has happened during this past year that has changed the project and myself.

The LibreOffice project is coming up on its 2 year anniversary. During that time, OOo has been dropped my Oracle and picked up by Apache and renamed AOO.

I started with LO back in its 3.3.0 beta days and dropped OOo then and there. I started working on the idea of a DVD to hand out to friends, family, and business people I knew when LO went to 3.3.1. Then that idea developed into the North American Community DVD Project. Back then, the hope was to put out an English version, A Spanish version, and a French version. Well, at least the English project went ahead. I do not speak or read any other "human language". I can only deal with English [human] and programming languages [computer].

I hope that the next year will see a growth in the NA-DVD project and at least 10 times as many users using LibreOffice.

Let us all make the next year be a great year for LibreOffice and all of the regional projects for marketing and distribution of LO to their users.

Tim Lungstrom
Elmira, New York, USA
current developer and webmaster of the LO NA-DVD project
webmas...@libreoffice-na.us [project email]
webmas...@krackedpress.com [list email]


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