2012/7/22 Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com>:
> At 17:35 21/07/2012 -0700, Kuuga Noname wrote:
>> I want to, in the weapon and armor tables, be able to populate the whole
>> row with relevant data simply by selecting an item in the Name columns. For
>> example, if I enter Broadsword in the weapon name column I want it to
>> automatically fill the rest of the row with its damage, size, reach and so
>> on.
> This can be done fairly easily with the VLOOKUP() function.  In your
> example, I gave the name "Weapons" to the array of weapons values on the
> "Weapon list" sheet.  Then in cell C3 of the weapons table on the Equipment
> sheet (the first row of the Damage column), I entered
> =VLOOKUP($A3;Weapons;COLUMN()-1;0)

Thanks for the information (I'm not the OP, but thankful anyway…); I
didn't know that you can use COLUMN() that way. I thought there always
needs to be a parameter inside the parentheses. Now knowing that's not
needed, it will make things somewhat easier for me from now on…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> Then I filled this formula down the column and across the table.
> How does this work?  The VLOOKUP() function searches the first column of the
> Weapons array for the value in A3, A4 etc.  When it finds a match, it
> returns the corresponding value from the same row but a different column in
> the array.  The expression COLUMN()-1 defines this column as one fewer than
> the column containing the formula.  The final parameter - FALSE or 0 -
> indicates that the values being searched in the first column of the array
> are not necessarily in order and that an exact match (or an error condition)
> is required.
>> Another thing I want to do, but isn't really necessary, is make the sheet
>> to automatically subtract your total bonus skill points as you assign them
>> to skills; I simply can't figure out a way to accomplish this.
> I'm not exactly sure how you want this to appear.  But you will want to have
> a cell (or table) somewhere with the initial values.  This might be on a
> separate sheet or even in hidden cells.  Then your visible cell (or table)
> for these values will contain a formula summing the assigned values and
> subtracting the result from the original (fixed) value in the other table.
> This way, the cell(s) will show running totals as points are assigned.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
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