Am 20.07.2012 21:37, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2012/7/20 Andreas Säger<>:
Am 20.07.2012 14:19, Andreas Säger wrote:

Try my "SpecialCells" extension which selects combinations of cell types:

Done. Snippet recorded by the MRI inspector:

Sub Snippet(Optional oInitialTarget As Object)
   Dim oDatabaseRanges As Object
   Dim oObj_1 As Object
   Dim oFilterDescriptor As Object
   Dim oFilterFields As Object

   oDatabaseRanges = oInitialTarget.DatabaseRanges
   oObj_1 = oDatabaseRanges.getByIndex(0)
   oFilterDescriptor = oObj_1.getFilterDescriptor()

   oFilterFields = oFilterDescriptor.getFilterFields()
End Sub

And this is the output for oFilterFields:

(Name)        (Value Type)             (Value)  (AccessMode)
Connection    .sheet.FilterConnection  AND      [ReadWrite]
Field         long                     0        [ReadWrite]
Operator      .sheet.FilterOperator    EMPTY    [ReadWrite]
IsNumeric     boolean                  True     [ReadWrite]
NumericValue  double                   0.0      [ReadWrite]
StringValue   string                   ""       [ReadWrite]
Connection    .sheet.FilterConnection  OR       [ReadWrite]
Field         long                     0        [ReadWrite]
Operator      .sheet.FilterOperator    EQUAL    [ReadWrite]
IsNumeric     boolean                  False    [ReadWrite]
NumericValue  double                   0.0      [ReadWrite]
StringValue   string                   ""       [ReadWrite]

The blank field (0) uses c.s.s.sheet.FilterOperator.EMPTY with any content.
The empty string field (1) uses c.s.s.sheet.FilterOperator.EQUAL with string
content "".

Thanks. I'll take a closer look at it tomorrow. Too tired and confused
right now.

Quite confusing, indeed. My "Done" posting refers to my other posting:

Am 20.07.2012 18:56, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2012/7/20 Andreas Säger<>:
As far as I know, the find/replace tool can not find empty strings nor
The standard filter can. It has an "-- empty --" option for the blanks and
one empty entry at the end of the combo box for the empty strings (if any).

Can I use that in a macro? How?

Apply such filter manually and inspect the filter descriptor with its filter 

This is what I've done. I applied such a filter and ran MRI against the filter descriptor with the above results.

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