So you're able to change the text on all the slides?;
          then mine has a bug in it somewhere ... carried over from OO I
guess  ;-)

       So, all you computer geniuses, what's the solution? - I'm awaiting
your responses now.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Andrew Brager <> wrote:

 I don't know anything about the inner workings of LO.  I'm actually just a
> beginner with LO and I had never opened Impress until you posted.
> The method I described below allows you to change all the slides at the
> same time, so you only have to make the change once.  Of course if you add
> more slides you need to do it again for the new slides.  No, it's not ideal
> and yes it would be nice if it worked the way you describe.  Good idea!
> On 7/25/2012 8:26 AM, anne-ology wrote:
>        Exactly my point, BUT it has to be done with each slide  ;-)
>        It would be nice, if the font was selectable on that initial page
> when starting a new file ...
>            [would this expand the size of LO even more than it is?; if so,
> I guess, it's better this way, just frustrating at times.]
>        I've even added more slides than I would need, in order to see if
> the font & color will hold, but it won't  ;-)
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Andrew Brager <>wrote:
>  I missed the part where you were using Impress, I thought you were using
>> Writer.  After re-reading your original post and some of the other
>> responses I think I now understand what you really want.
>> I also have not been able to figure out a way to do it exactly as you
>> described, the best I could come up with is to go to the "outline" tab,
>> select all the text, then change the font.  That way, all of your slides
>> will have the same font for that one file.

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