On 07/27/12 05:14, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 19.07.2012 23:48, rhubarbpie...@gmail.com wrote:

I'd like to create a macro for a user-defined date format (H:MMa/p).  As
examples, 7:00 AM would display as 7:00a and 3:33 PM as 3:33p. I can
create the format manually, but I understand the LibreOffice format
can't save user-defined formats.  So my thought is to create a macro
which creates the format each time the spreadsheet is opened. The
user-defined Format Code is for a saved Style.

The macro records without incident and the date format is correct.
However, running the saved macro doesn't change the format.  It seems
this should work.  Thoughts?  The recorded macro is as follows:


The issue is a known one (AOO bug #66842). The office seems to support some format codes that have no equivalent expression in the ODF standard.
It has been discussed in a productive manner here:

I attached simple Basic macro to a demo document:

It links number formats to cell styles so the newly generated number formats applies to all the cells where the style is in use.

Hope this helps,

I'm uncertain of the proper method of labeling this as solved. But, for my purposes it is and as I began the thread, perhaps [Solved] is appropriate.

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