Omega sector
America's Last
Line of

*Ok Thomas downloads 2 Data bases ( CVS format ) he wants to remove Duplicates from Data Base B using Data base A and THEN Data Base A gets deleted when done

*Next data base B gets used for a mailing thing to mail out post cards to xyz person and see it they want, need, Help selling the house

*Next 2 columns get added to Data Base B one is date and one is the type of a card sent out

*Data Base A has to re downloaded every time he downloads Data Base B as the information changes, something is sold . . Or bank takes it over or seller quits, dies, owner dies and so on

*Cells being just a spot on the data base . . I grew up a few hundred years ago using Super Calc and I use the terms used way back then

Feilds are recorders office number, sellers name, address of house, owners name, location, status, phone numbers, zip code, state, city, accessors map, county code, auction, subdivision, Jr high school zone, High school zone, street address, cross streets, remarks, hidden remarks, **and on for 126 fields school zones*
( this is just the first page of 5 pages of stuff )
*All stuff that are in a file that says all the possible information of a house when you buy it

On 07/28/2012 09:49 AM, Dan wrote:
Comment inline:

Lynne Stevens wrote:

omega The Omega sector America's Last Line of Defense

*That sounds like they will be merged ! . . They are to remain
separate and the "B" file is to be used for a mailing thing after it
has the duplicates removed . . the mailing thing I have figured out
and what fields/columns to use ! !

     You need to be more specific in your description. You began with
two databases that you want to check for duplicates. It has now become clear that you are working with two tables. And then you mentioned fields. What fields exist in these two tables? What determines whether a row in the "B" table is a duplicate based upon what is contained in table "A"? The simple answer to your question: the same way that you would do it by hand. The only problem with this answer is that it does not include any specifics. If you would write down how you would do this by hand step by step, then we would know what has to be done step by step, and we could suggest how to do each step. You might even see how to do it by yourself.


* On 07/28/2012 06:38 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 28.07.2012 14:17, Lynne Stevens wrote:

omega The Omega sector America's Last Line of Defense

*How do I check for duplicates in a data base using another data
base ?


SELECT "A".* FROM "A" JOIN "B" ON "A"."ID" = "B"."ID"

returns all rows from table A with an equivalent ID in table B.

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