
you might have a look at
'Bug 53399 - Word count inconsistent and wrong with non-breaking space'
→ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53399

The bug-fix will be available in LibreOffice 3.6.2.


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
> Hi guys
> I was just doing an assignment that needed a word count and was using
> LO 3.6.1 and found that the word count is not working as it once was. I
> quite like the new bottom status bar update it is a new and decent
> update although it seems to be buggy at this stage. Take this block of
> text which is from my assignment:
> "Power does corrupt and throughout history there has been a number of
> examples of totalitarian governments. I have decided to explore the
> theme “Power Corrupts”
> Throughout this whole year I have studied texts across a various amount
> of genres and now have found that within some of the texts I have
> studied there was a strong connection throughout them that connection
> was the idea that power corrupts. The  texts which had the best
> connections where: Schindlers List by Steven Spielburg , Changes by
> Tupac , Answer by  Frederic Brown and examination day by Henry
> Releasable. Each text carried the theme of power corrupts in a
> different way but all had the same parallels and critiques of the
> world. It also appears that some of the texts are subtlety warning us
> about the potential problems with totalitarian regimes that have
> occurred in the past or which could occur in the future.
> The first text I looked at was Schindlers list. "Schindler's List" is
> the based-on-truth story of Nazi Czech business man Oskar Schindler,
> who uses Jewish labour to start a factory in occupied Poland. As World
> War II progresses, and the fate of the Jews becomes more and more
> clear, Schindler's motivations switch from profit to human sympathy and
> he is able to save over 1100 Jews from death in the gas chambers. With
> The realisation that Schindler has as to what the Nazis where really
> doing also awoke in Schindler how corrupt the regime actually was.
> Steven Spielberg the director uses several events in the film to
> highlight the corruptness of the Nazi’s for example when Schindler
> finds out that some of his workers are to be sent to an extermination
> camp he bribes the officer with a valuable gold watch in order to
> release the prisoners. A character which personifies corruption
> throughout Amon Goeth who does all sorts of twisted and corrupt things
> such shooting everybody who was associated with one person who stole a
> chicken. The following extract of dialogue also shows us how evil he
> really is"
> now LO reports this as being 258 words. I count it myself and get
> roughly 350. I then copy and paste this block of text into a online
> word counting thing such as: [1]http://www.wordcounttool.com/
> and get 338 and then I take it over to MO which gives me 338! I don't
> know what to trust!
> antiso...@myopera.com
> References
> 1. http://www.wordcounttool.com/

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.1

Releases/3.6.1/RC1 · Bugs fixed against 3.6.0 RC3

Releases/3.6.1/RC2 · Bugs fixed against 3.6.1 RC1

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