Am 11.09.2012 20:28, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:10 11/09/2012 +0200, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 11.09.2012 18:01, Enda Noname wrote:
Can Libreoffice not create a dot file in same folder as document when
opening it for viewing?

That's what it does.

I think the questioner is asking "Can it please *not* do so [when
viewing is all that is required]?"  This is a sensible question.

Try setting the document file to "read-only" in the operating system
before you open the file.  That may achieve what you ask.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Is it really that difficult to tell us exactly about the situation? We don't even know the operating system. Is it really that difficult to copy some documents into a test directory, display hidden files and open them read-only?

4 tests on Linux:
1) libreoffice -view blah.odt [no lock file]
2) chmod -w blah.odt
libreoffice blah.odt [no lock file]
3) menu:File>Open... [X] Read Only [no lock file]
4) menu:Save As... [X]Password blah2.odt with a read-only password
close, re-open blah2.odt [creates a lock file]

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