On Sat, 15 Sep 2012, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 15/09/2012 at 20:49, Felmon Davis <dav...@union.edu> wrote:

> I don't know about OP backup tools (did not read whole thread), but rsync
> has  --ignore-times and --size-only command-line options which may come
> handy in such situation.

wouldn't really help her. I was pointing out that it is not enough to worry about the file's time-stamp; the directory's time-stamp is also altered.

And these options of rsync are supposed to ignore files and directories whose only change is timestamp. Or, in other words, they change rsync algorithm for finding new files from "if size or timestamp is different, then file has changed" to "if size is different, then file has changed".

If you have directory of size X, and then add file and remove it, then you still have directory of size X. And since rsync compares only size, it will think that directory has not been changed - and skip it.

At least theoretically, because I did not check it.
And, after all, I don't know if Enda even uses rsync for her backups, so my point may be irrelevant.

you're absolutely right and I was unclear. when I said, 'it wouldn't help her', I meant she doesn't want to ignore directories that have had changes, she wants to ignore directories that have changed specifically because of a lock file.

I'm thinking the best way is, as she proposed originally, stop creating lock files in the first place. the first link I came to googling suggested a way of doing that.


Felmon Davis

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